Xbox 360 -
Xbox One -
Playstation 3 -
Playstation 4Total (PS3 only) : 1219 / 2345 for 46 games
Total for PSN (PS3+PS4) : 2019 / 4926 for 104 games
Bronze : 951
Silver : 200
Gold : 53
Platinum : 15
Before 2011-12-05 : 1146 (884 / 195 / 52 / 15)
By Day -
By Month -
By GameNumber of trophys by game (bronze/silver/gold/platinum (total I own/total of the game):
Games in
bold mean a game completion of 100%
3 on 3 NHL : 9/3/1/0 (13/13)
Batman: Arkham City : 3/0/0/0 (3/71)
Battlefield: Bad Company : 39/4/3/0 (46/51)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 : 41/7/2/1 (51/73)
Bionic Commando Rearmed : 3/0/0/0 (3/12)
Borderlands : 41/7/2/1 (51/81)
Burnout Paradise : 47/12/4/1 (64/98)
Call Of Duty Black Ops : 35/14/1/1 (51/71)
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 : 38/10/2/1 (51/51)
Catan's : 2/0/0/0 (2/12)
Dead Nation : 8/1/0/0 (9/41)
Disney Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse : 4/0/0/0 (4/12)
Dragon Age: Origins : 44/5/3/1 (53/77)
DuckTales Remastered : 4/0/0/0 (4/20)
Fallout 3 : 5/0/0/0 (5/73)
FIFA 10 : 27/11/3/1 (42/52)
Gran Turismo 5 : 29/1/0/0 (30/59)
Grand Theft Auto IV : 0/0/0/0 (0/66)
Grand Theft Auto V : 16/0/0/0 (16/59)
Guitar Hero 5 : 30/7/0/0 (37/50)
Guitar Hero Metallica : 12/0/0/0 (12/51)
Guitar Hero Smash Hits : 31/1/0/0 (32/51)
Guitar Hero Warriors Of Rock : 32/6/0/0 (38/51)
LittleBigPlanet : 36/8/3/1 (48/70)
LittleBigPlanet 2 : 36/7/3/1 (47/79)
LittleBigPlanet Karting : 11/0/0/0 (11/45)
MAG : 13/6/1/0 (20/44)
Medal Of Honor : 38/10/2/1 (51/51)
Medal Of Honor Frontline : 32/10/3/1 (46/46)
NHL 10 : 3/2/0/0 (5/41)
NHL 11 : 1/0/0/0 (1/41)
NHL 12 : 2/0/0/0 (2/46)
Playstation Move Heroes : 16/1/0/0 (17/49)
R.U.S.E. : 16/3/0/0 (19/51)
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time : 25/6/5/1 (37/37)
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One : 24/4/1/0 (29/45)
Red Dead Redemption : 44/12/2/1 (59/91)
Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel : 34/12/2/1 (49/49)
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time : 0/0/0/0 (0/50)
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection : 17/13/4/1 (35/35)
Sports Champions : 15/1/0/0 (16/43)
The Godfather II : 4/1/0/0 (5/42)
Tom Clancy's Endwar : 19/2/0/0 (21/63)
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X : 31/5/2/0 (38/51)
Warhawk : 28/8/4/0 (40/57)
White Knight Chronicles : 6/0/0/0 (6/24)